Dr. Oetker Stories

Dr. Oetker in Brazil

The Dr. Oetker Purpose "Creating a Taste of Home" has been lived here for almost 100 years. Initially, products were imported to Brazil by sea, and since 1954, production has taken place in São Paulo. Today, three strong brands ensure dynamic business in the country, which is rich in contrast in many respects.

Dr. Oetker in Brazil

10.8.2023 Azienda e cultura

"God is Brazilian! "That's a typical saying in the sun-kissed, largest country in South America, which also has the strongest economy on the continent. There, the three brands Dr. Oetker, Mavalério and Wilton are managed under one corporate roof. Which products also make the range in Brazil unique, we reveal in this article.

With a total of 1.120 employees, Brazil is one of the largest of the more than 40 Dr. Oetker national companies. In São Paulo and Itatiba, as well as in four logistics centers and in the field
force, the employees ensure success. At around 8.5 million square kilometers, Brazil is almost as big as the entire European continent. While Brazil has a population of around 215 million, the EU as a whole has almost 450 million. That means: In Brazil, there is an average of 25 inhabitants per square kilometer, in Europe there are 112. "Of course, comparisons are always
hard," smiles Carolina Stauffenegger, Managing Director at Dr. Oetker in Brazil, and therefore adds: "It is not only the size of Brazil, but also the structure of the food business that brings challenges. So it's no wonder that Dr. Oetker Brazil's business focus and product range are unique."

office building in Itatiba Dr. Oetker Brazil

logistic centers

Three strong brands

Brazilians are known for their easiness, love of life and passionate nature. They are considered to be open, cordial and communicative. "We Brazilians also place a lot of value on hospitality," says Marketing Manager Sabrina Torquato, adding: "This quality is very well expressed in the product portfolios of Dr. Oetker, Mavalérío and Wilton."

Booth Dr. Oetker, Mavalério, Wilton

The brands Dr. Oetker, Mavalérío and Wilton have been managed under one corporate umbrella since 2021. While consumers can buy the Dr. Oetker product portfolio in supermarkets, corner shops and cash & carry markets, the products from Mavalérío and Wilton are aimed at professional bakers and are "present for sweet moments", according to Mavalérío's slogan: “Presente nos doces momentos”.

Dr. Oetker brand in Brazil

Whether for dessert or baking: Brazilians traditionally like it sweeter than Central Europeans! That is probably one of the reasons why the Dr. Oetker dessert products, including mousse, flan, ice cream powder and jelly, are bestsellers.

In Brazil, Dr. Oetker is the only brand that offers the complete range of baking ingredients. The baking powder here is mostly sold in 100-gram jars rather than sachets. Another phenomenon:
sweetened condensed milk is so common in Brazil that it appears in the list of ingredients in all dessert recipes. In addition, the Brazilian colors yellow and green provide an eye-catching "glow" to very many products."

Mavalérío - The business for Brazilian confectioners

Mavalérío has a very strong market position in Brazil in baking decorations, chocolate coatings and chocolate powder and operates the largest streusel production in South America. Mavalérío differentiates between "formal" and "informal" business. "The formal business is aimed at pastry shops, cake shops and bakeries. There are about 70,000 of these in Brazil", explains Ricardo Menezes, Mavalérío's sales manager. In addition, there are hundreds of bakeries in supermarkets. The informal business is aimed at consumers who bake at home to
sell home-made delicacies online or to sell to the neighborhood. "It's about 500,000 customers, mostly women, who use it to supplement the family income," says Menezes.

Wilton - Baking accessories for Brazil

Wilton convinces with a selection of baking accessories comprising just over 250 items and lets every baking lover become a decorating artist, from children's birthday cakes to baked goods with designs for anniversaries to special thanksgiving occasions such as Mother's Day or anniversaries.

decorated cake from Wilton cakes

Wilton's extensive range is advertised with the slogan "A arte de confeitar": "The Art of Decorating".

Making a sustainable difference

In the Dr. Oetker product range, consumers in Brazil find vegan products as well as gluten-free or diet products. In addition, certified cocoa and certified fats are used. Andreia Venson Watanabe is responsible for quality management: “As always, the quality awareness at Dr. Oetker is very important. We develop a wide range of products that meet consumer demands and follow trends. These include, for example, reduced amounts of sugar in desserts, the addition of functional ingredients, products for special diets, gelatin with natural colorings and flavorings, clean-label products, and other trends. We are working sustainably so that Dr. Oetker continues to make the difference compared to other manufacturers."

Clean label products

Clean Labeling refers to foodstuffs whose packaging informs consumers that the product does not contain certain ingredients. These ingredients are usually those that are generally considered unhealthy or are rejected for certain reasons, such as colorings and preservatives, flavor enhancers or genetically modified foods. 

With so many products, ranges and activities in this huge country, one might wonder why everything is going so well at Dr. Oetker in Brazil. We remember: “God is Brazilian!”