Dr. Oetker Stories
"Diversity & Inclusion" is a central topic of our international sustainability strategy and based on our corporate purpose "Creating a Taste of Home". Many activities have already contributed to raising awareness for Diversity & Inclusions topics. But how is it brought to life and put into practice at Dr. Oetker?
14.9.2022 • Azienda e cultura
Allyship was just one of the many topics during the first global Diversity & Inclusion Week in which colleagues took part in sessions lead by both external and internal speakers.
Interactive, inspirational, and lively discussions with diverse and international participation were key to the week. With inclusion in mind, all colleagues not able to attend the virtual sessions are able to catch up by watching the recordings.
Let’s take a brief look at some of them: In the session “Women in Business", experts from our international People and Culture department addressed gender topics and stereotypes and how we can overcome them by challenging our own thoughts. Equal rights and gender-independent equal opportunities were the topic of the "Leader's Panel Discussion". In one of the external sessions, participants got insights into the successful set up of the pride community in a global automotive company and learned more about the personal story of the speaker.
At Diversity & Inclusion Week, Aldona Blondin, Change Management & Learning Professional at People and Culture International (pictured right) dedicated her session to "Women in Business" and Kenneth Gitz, Executive Manager Learning and Change, People and Culture International led the session "Breaking Stereotypes".
Core messages, called nudges, were provided as takeaways after the sessions. This collection is also accessible to all colleagues to share internally and externally, and, in future, can be extended collaboratively. What sounds so simple, however, also requires confronting one's own perceptions. These small and catchy phrases may help to change the way we think and perceive the people around us.
Networking and community, also themes during the week, are essential for strengthening culture and diversity in the company. We will continue holding our regular “Leader’s talks” which address gender-related topics in particular. And in future, further focus will lie on bringing Employee Resource Groups and communities, such as the Rainbow Community, to life.
“For us, diversity and inclusion are crucial for better decisions, greater innovation, and a more sustainable business. Employee Resource Groups, communities and allyship can have a decisive impact in strengthening our corporate culture. Therefore, we will continue to encourage and support our colleagues and look forward to taking the next steps together to ensure diversity and inclusion on a national and an international level”, Nicola Stickling (People and Culture, International) emphasizes.
Birgit Deker
Media Spokesperson People and Culture