
Statement Dr. Oetker on the war in Ukraine

Dr. Oetker condemns the Russian war of aggression in Ukraine as an act that violates international law.

Statement Dr. Oetker on the war in Ukraine

28.2.2022 Impegno sociale

<Bielefeld, 28.02.2022> Dr. Oetker condemns the Russian war of aggression in Ukraine as an act that violates international law and cannot be justified. This war is contemptuous of human life, it brings hardship and misery to people who want to live peacefully with their neighbors. A war will never be a solution - neither to deal with different views on future issues nor to overcome political or social conflicts.

All Dr. Oetker employees are members of a large family that is active in over 40 countries. Guided by our Purpose "Creating a Taste of Home", we work ever more closely together internationally. We know and appreciate each other, diversity is one of our great strengths and characterizes our cohesion. Our thoughts are therefore with our colleagues and their families in the regions affected by the war, whose safety is our top priority. We are in close daily contact with the management teams of our Ukrainian and Russian country organizations and are jointly examining all options for providing support.

Together with the company's owners, we have decided to make a specific donation of €500,000: Two SOS Children's Villages were evacuated from Kiev and from eastern Ukraine to Poland – with traumatized and starving children. We support this project out of our deepest conviction. In addition, 140 Ukrainian employees work in our Polish plants. We provide accommodation for their family members in particular, but also for others who have fled from Ukraine to Poland, to offer them a first port of call. In addition, we support the people with everything they need to live, primarily food and clothing.

We will continue to closely monitor this extraordinarily difficult situation and take all the necessary measures and decisions. Above all, it is incontrovertible that Dr. Oetker stands for family values – in Ukraine and everywhere!

About Dr. Oetker

Within the Oetker Group, Dr. Oetker forms the umbrella for numerous production and sales companies that are active in over 40 countries and, in addition to the core markets in Europe, are also active in North and South America as well as in Africa, Asia and Australia. In the 2020 financial year, Dr. Oetker and Conditorei Coppenrath & Wiese generated sales of 3,710 million euros. Worldwide, more than 17,500 employees work for Dr. Oetker and Coppenrath & Wiese. Founded over 130 years ago in Bielefeld, the family-owned company Dr. Oetker is one of the leading branded goods companies in the German food industry. The diverse product landscape with around 1,000 products in Germany and more than 4,000 different products worldwide includes baking ingredients, baking mixes, decor products, desserts, sweet meals, chilled desserts, preserves, ready-to-eat cakes, Vitalis muesli, frozen pizzas and snacks, refinement products, a varied range for bulk consumers and much more.

In case of queries, please contact:

Dr. Jörg Schillinger

Head of Department & Media Spokesperson Group Communication